Overcoming a Low Unemployment Rate: Sourcing Passive Jobseekers
When: 8/22/2018 | Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | Where: Cox Media Group Ohio, Innovation Center, 1611 South Main Street, Dayton, Ohio | Speaker: Amy Houghtling, Cox Recruitment Marketing Digital Sales Manager
The Automation of Data Driven Recruiting
When: 10/17/2018 | Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | Where: Cox Media Group Ohio, Innovation Center, 1611 South Main Street, Dayton, Ohio | Speaker: Amy Houghtling, Cox Recruitment Marketing Digital Sales Manager
Visit our table at these events:
Miami Valley Human Resource Association Luncheon
When: 5/8/2018 | Time: 11:15 AM – 1:00 PM | Where: 444 West Third Street, Dayton, Ohio | Topic: A New Look at the Way We Work- Ergonomics for the HR Professional